Recent changes to the FAQ
(this list is not exhaustive)
- v.31.3, 13th March 2025
- v.31.2, 21st February 2025
- v.31.1, 24th January 2025
- v.29.2, 30th August 2023
- v.29.1, 1st July 2023
- v.28.1, 10th April 2022
- v.26.1, 27th December 2020
- v.25.2, 27th April 2019
- v.25.1, 22nd March 2019
- v.25.0, 1st January 2019
- v.24.91, 22nd October 2018
- v.24.9, 14th October 2018
- v.24.7, 3rd April 2018
- v.24.6, 1st February 2018
- v.24.5, 27th December 2017
- v.24.1, 24th September 2017
- v.24.0, 12th August 2017
- v.23.9, 25th June 2017
- v.23.5, 3rd June 2017
- v.23.1, 23rd April 2017
- v.23.0, 5th February 2017
- v.22.1, 10th June 2016
- v.22.0, 2nd January 2016
- v.21.6, 18th October 2015
- v.21.5, 15th April 2015
- v.21.0, 25th September 2014
- v.20.1, 20th August 2014
- v.20.0, 10th August 2014
- v.17.0, 2nd March 2013
- v.16.5, 22nd April 2012
- v.16.2, 6th April 2011
- v.16.1, 2nd January 2011
- v.16.0, 8th November 2009
- v.15.3, 2nd August 2009
- v.15.2, 22nd February 2009
- v.15.1, 1st January 2009
- v.15.0, 7th December 2008
- v.14.3, 29th September 2008
- v.14.2, 23rd September 2007
- v.14.1, 17th June 2006
- v.14.0, 29th December 2005
- v.13.91, 4th October 2005
- v.13.9, 14th June 2005
- v.13.8, 24th April 2005
- v.13.7, 4th April 2005
- v.13.6, 27th December 2004
- v.13.5, 18th October 2004
- v.13.0, 23rd August 2004
- v.12.0, 12th July 2004
v.31.3, 13th March 2025
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - added the Autobahn 12" LP picture disc and the Autobahn Blu-ray disc, both were released for the 50th anniversary
v.31.2, 21st February 2025
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - added the Autobahn 7" single vinyl released for the 50th anniversary
(...and the album Tour de France Soundtracks was removed from the bottom of the list...)
v.31.1, 24th January 2025
Since the last update was quite a while ago, all sections have been reviewed, broken links have been fixed or removed. Some minor changes are not even mentioned here.
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- added a new question and answer: 'Why did Fritz Hilpert leave Kraftwerk?'
+ Updated the section 'Lyrics and Languages'
- modified the answer of 'What are the non-English lyrics in The Robots?'
- modified the answer of 'Which languages are used in Kraftwerk concerts?'
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- modified the answer of 'When did Kraftwerk start to use projected images at their concerts?'
- modified the answer of 'What kind of 3D projection technology is used by Kraftwerk?'
- modified the answer of ' Have Kraftwerk ever staged a whole concert replaced by robots or dummies?'
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- modified the answer of 'Where is Kraftwerk's studio located?'
- modified the answer of 'What is the Retrospective 12345678?'
- modified the answer of 'Did Kraftwerk perform any songs live which have not been released officially?'
- modified the answer of 'What is the so called Canyon-bike?'
v.29.2, 30th August 2023
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - added the release of the MUSIKEXPRESS 'Tour de France' 7" vinyl (2023)
v.29.1, 1st July 2023
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- modified the answer of 'What is the present line-up of Kraftwerk?'
- changed the answer of 'Who else was a member of Kraftwerk in the past?'
(updating according to the current situation)
v.28.1, 10th April 2022
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - mentioned the releases from the last 2 years
- modified the answer of 'What recordings have Kraftwerk made?', corrected, modified
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the album KRAFTWERK REMIXES?'
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- modified the answer of 'Have Kraftwerk ever been nominated for the membership of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?' - mentioned the 'Early Influences' category
v.26.1, 27th December 2020
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- changed the question 'Why did Florian leave Kraftwerk? What is he doing now?', the new question is 'Why did Florian leave Kraftwerk?'
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - mentioned the colored LP (vinyl) version of 'Der Katalog / The Catalogue'
- modified the answer of 'What is the 'The Catalogue / Der Katalog'? - added the colored LP (vinyl) version of 'Der Katalog / The Catalogue'
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- slightly modified the answer of 'What is Kling Klang Machine No1?'
+ Updated the section 'Sources of Further Information'
- modified the answer of 'Are there any books about Kraftwerk?' - added a new book
Some minor changes and corrections.
v.25.2, 27th April 2019
+ Updated the section 'Sources of Further Information'
- modified the answer of 'Are there any useful mailing lists and forums?'
v.25.1, 22nd Marc 2019
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - added the Musikexpress exclusive 7" vinyl 'Autobahn'
+ Updated the section 'Sources of Further Information'
- modified the answer of 'Are there any books about Kraftwerk?' - added the Portugal version of David Buckley's Kraftwerk: Publikation
v.25.0, 1st January 2019
The Kraftwerk Frequently Asked Questions list is 25 years old.
See details at the about and the contact page.
Nowadays, in the shadow of social media, when the Internet is full of garbage, full of fake news and trolls, this 25-year time interval is a nice period for a simple website...
There is a new domain name, so there are a total of three:
- (new)
Changed the Terms and conditions, from now The is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
v.24.91, 22nd October 2018
The links to the old KlingKlang Konsum Produkt site ( were changed to the new page title:
v.24.9, 14th October 2018
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is wrong with the '3-D Der Catalog'?'
- slightly modified the answer of 'What are the best Kraftwerk albums?'
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- modified the answer of 'What sort of equipment is used by Kraftwerk?' - added "Some web articles / blog posts / videos from recent years"
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- added a new question and answer: 'Have Kraftwerk ever been nominated for the membership of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the so called Canyon-bike?'
- added a new question and answer: 'Did Kraftwerk really play live with an astronaut?'
- modified the answer of 'Have Kraftwerk's videos ever been shown in cinemas?'
+ Updated the section 'Sources of Further Information'
- modified the answer of 'Are there any books about Kraftwerk?' - added a new book, titled 'Mensch-Maschinen-Musik: Das Gesamtkunstwerk Kraftwerk'
+ Updated the Contact information page.
+ Modified the Links page.
v.24.7, 3rd April 2018
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- updated the answer of 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - added the English edition of Kraftwerk 12345678 3-D 1xCD album
- modified the answer of 'What recordings have Kraftwerk made?' - mentioning the English edition of Kraftwerk 12345678 3-D CD album as a Live recording
- modified the answer of 'What is the '3-D The Catalogue / 3-D Der Katalog'?' - added the English edition ofKraftwerk 12345678 3-D 1xCD album
v.24.6, 1st February 2018
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- renamed the question 'Grammy Award in 2014?', the new question is: 'What kinds of Grammy Awards did Kraftwerk get and when?'
v.24.5, 27th December 2017
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- updated the answer of 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - added the limited German edition of Kraftwerk 12345678 3-D 1xCD album
- modified the answer of 'What recordings have Kraftwerk made?' - mentioning the limited German edition of Kraftwerk 12345678 3-D 1xCD album as a Live recording
- modified the answer of 'What is the '3-D The Catalogue / 3-D Der Katalog'?' - added the limited German edition of Kraftwerk 12345678 3-D 1xCD album
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- slightly modified the answer of 'When did Kraftwerk start to use projected images at their concerts?'
- modified the answer of the question 'What kind of 3D projection technology is used by Kraftwerk?' - mentioning of the LED-wall
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- modified and updated the answer of 'When and which Kraftwerk recordings were nominated for any kind of Grammy awards?' - added the latest nominations
+ Deleted the section 'Mailinglist' - it was closed (after two years of inactivity)
+ Updated the section 'Sources of Further Information'
- modified the answer of 'Are there any useful mailing lists and forums?' - see the previous point...
v.24.1, 24th September 2017
+ Updated the section 'Sources of Further Information'
- modified the answer of 'Are there any books about Kraftwerk?' - added Karl Bartos's biography - 'Der Klang Der Maschine'
v.24.0, 12th August 2017
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - added the Musikexpress exclusive 7" vinyl 'Die Roboter'
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- added a new question and answer: 'Have Kraftwerk's videos ever been shown in cinemas?'
v.23.9, 25th June 2017
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- modified the answer of 'How can I contact Kraftwerk?' - added a facebook link
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'What recordings have Kraftwerk made?' - mentioned the Expo 2000 and the Tour de France singles as an important and must-see recordings...
- modified the answer of 'What is the 'Minimum-Maximum'?' - added the catalog numbers
- modified the answer of 'What is the so-called 'Notebook'?' - added the catalog numbers
+ Updated the section 'Lyrics and Languages'
- modified the answer of 'What does the morse code at the start of Radioactivity stand for?' - added the morse code...
+ Updated the section 'Related Bands and Projects'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the project 'Zero Landmine'?'
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- added a new question and answer: 'What does the name 'Kraftwerk' mean?' (yes, yes, i had to add this question...)
- added a new question and answer: 'When and which Kraftwerk recordings were nominated for any kind of Grammy awards?'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the book, titled Kraftwerk 45RPM?'
+ Updated the section 'Sources of Further Information'
- modified the answer of 'Where can I find news about Kraftwerk's current activities?' - just a simple update
- modified the answer of 'Are there any books about Kraftwerk?' - added some older and the new edition of Wolfgang Flür's Kraftwerk: I Was a Robot and the German version of David Buckley's Kraftwerk: Publikation
+ Updated the Contact information page.
+ Updated the Links page.
v.23.5, 3rd June 2017
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the '3-D The Catalogue / 3-D Der Katalog'?'
- modified the answer of 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - deleted the album Minimum-Maximum from here
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the 'Minimum-Maximum'?'
- modified the answer of the question: 'Where can I get Kraftwerk live recordings?'
v.23.1, 23rd April 2017
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- modified / corrected the answer of 'Where is Kraftwerk's studio located?'
v.23.0, 5th February 2017
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the so called 'classic line-up'?'
+ Updated the section 'Lyrics and Languages'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the lyrics of Radioactivity live intro?'
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the 'IOSONO system'?'
v.22.1, 10th June 2016
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- modified / corrected the answer of 'What sort of equipment is used by Kraftwerk?' (some minor changes, thanks for the e-mails sent by fans regarding this matter)
+ Updated the section 'Sources of Further Information'
- modified the answer of 'Are there any useful mailing lists and forums?'
v.22.0, 2nd January 2016
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- modified the answer of 'Who are the founders of Kraftwerk?'
- modified the answer of 'Why did Florian leave Kraftwerk? What is he doing now?'
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'When will Kraftwerk release new material?'
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- modified / corrected the answer of 'Have Kraftwerk ever staged a whole concert replaced by robots or dummies?'
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- added a new question and answer: 'When and which Kraftwerk recording was selected into the Grammy Hall of Fame?'
v.21.6, 18th October 2015
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- updated the answer of Why did Florian leave Kraftwerk? What is he doing now?
- slightly modified the answers of Why did Flür and Bartos leave Kraftwerk? What are they doing now?
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified / updated the answer of What is the album Outburn?
(thanks to
v.21.5, 15th April 2015
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- modified the answer of 'What sort of equipment is used by Kraftwerk?' - added the latest (from 2014) equipment (two photos, names of the electronic musical instruments, links)
v.21.0, 25th September 2014
+ Added the new 'Mailing list' section
(12 years ago this section was deleted and now can be seen again)
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- modified the answer of 'What sort of equipment is used by Kraftwerk?' - added the latest (from 2014) equipment (four photos and links)
v.20.1, 20th August 2014
The dead/wrong links were corrected/changed/deleted in all of the sections.
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'Is the CD A Short Introduction to Kraftwerk an official release?', tracklist added
+ Updated the section 'Sources of Further Information'
- modified the answer of 'Are there any useful mailing lists and forums?'
- deleted the question 'Is there a Usenet newsgroup for Kraftwerk?', it was absolutely irrelevant, nobody cared about it, if it exits at all...
- slightly modified the answers of 'Where can I find out more about Kraftwerk and related projects?' and 'Where can I find news about Kraftwerk's current activities?'
v.20.0, 10th August 2014
The Kraftwerk Frequently Asked Questions list is 20 years old.
See details at the index and the contact page.
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- added a new question and answer: 'Grammy Award in 2014?'
- slightly modified the answer of 'What is the Retrospective 12345678?'
v.17.0, 2nd March 2013
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- modified the answer of 'What is the present line-up of Kraftwerk?'
- changed the answer of 'Who else was a member of Kraftwerk in the past?'
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'What is the 'The Catalogue / Der Katalog'?', added the 'Der Katalog - Retrospektive 12345678 Spezial Edition'
+ Updated the section 'Lyrics and Languages'
- modified the answer of 'Which languages are used in addition to German and English?'
- modified the answer of 'What are the words in the beginning of 'The Mix' version of the song Radioactivity?'
- modified the answer of 'Which languages are used in Kraftwerk concerts?'
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- modified the answer of 'What sort of equipment is used by Kraftwerk?'
- slightly modified the answer of 'What kind of 3D projection technology is used by Kraftwerk?'
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- modified the answer of 'Where is Kraftwerk's studio located?'
- modified the answer of 'What is the Retrospective 12345678?'
- changed the question 'What is Tschernobyl / Harrisburg / Sellafield / Hiroshima?', the new one is 'What is Tschernobyl, Harrisburg, Sellafield, Hiroshima and Fukushima?'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the book, titled Roboter?'
+ Update the Links page.
v.16.5, 22nd April 2012
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- changed the answer of 'Who else was a member of Kraftwerk in the past?'
- modified the answer of 'Who is Emil Schult and is he still collaborating with Kraftwerk?'
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'What is the 'The Catalogue / Der Katalog'?', added the 'The Catalogue - Retrospective 12345678 Special Edition'
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the 3-D Book?'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the Retrospective 12345678?'
+ Update the Links page.
v.16.2, 6th April 2011
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- added a new question and answer: 'What is Kling Klang Machine No1?'
+ Update the Links page.
v.16.1, 2nd January 2011
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- slightly modified the answer of 'Have Kraftwerk ever staged a whole concert replaced by robots or dummies?'
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- modified the answer of 'Where is Kraftwerk's studio located?'
+ Updated the section 'Sources of Further Information'
- modified the answer of 'Are there any books about Kraftwerk?' - added two new books
v.16.0, 8th November 2009
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- slightly modified the answers of
'When will Kraftwerk release new material?',
'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?',
'What recordings have Kraftwerk made?'.
- modified the answers of
'What is the 'The Catalogue / Der Katalog'?',
'Do any copies of the album Techno Pop exist?',
'Does the German-language version of the album Trans Europe Express have an extra track?'.
- added a new question and answer: 'What are the differences between the original and the digitally remastered (2009) albums?'
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- slightly modified the answer of 'What sort of equipment is used by Kraftwerk?'
- added a new question and answer: 'What kind of 3D projection technology is used by Kraftwerk?'
+ Updated the section 'Sources of Further Information'
- slightly modified the answer of 'Are there any useful mailing lists and forums?'
v.15.3, 2nd August 2009
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- modified the answer of 'Why did Florian leave Kraftwerk? What is he doing now?'
+ Updated the section 'Lyrics and Languages'
- modified the answers of 'Which languages are used in addition to German and English?' and 'Which languages are used in Kraftwerk concerts?'
v.15.2, 22nd February 2009
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- added a new question and "answer": 'Why did Florian leave Kraftwerk? What is he doing now?'
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- changed the question 'Are scores available?' - added the Kraftwerk songbook
v.15.1, 1st January 2009
+ Updated the section 'Lyrics and Languages'
- added a new question and answer: 'What are the words in the beginning of 'The Mix' version of the song Radioactivity?'
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- changed the question 'What is Sellafield? Where is it?', the new one is 'What is Tschernobyl / Harrisburg / Sellafield / Hiroshima?'
v.15.0, 7th December 2008
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- added a new question and answer: 'Who are the founders of Kraftwerk?'
- modified the answer of 'What is the present line-up of Kraftwerk?'
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- added a new question and answer: What is the Maximum Kraftwerk CD?
- added a new question and answer: 'Is the 'Kraftwerk and the electronic revolution' DVD an official product?'
- modified the question 'Where can I get Kraftwerk live recordings?'
v.14.3, 29th September 2008
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- modified the answer of 'What is the present line-up of Kraftwerk?'
v.14.2, 23rd September 2007
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the question 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - added the remix single 'Aerodynamik + La Forme'
v.14.1, 17th June 2006
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the question 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - added the Minimum Maximum SACD
- modified the answer of 'What recordings have Kraftwerk made?' - added the Minimum Maximum SACD
v.14.0, 29th December 2005
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- slightly modified the answer of 'When will Kraftwerk release new material?'
- modified the question 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - added the new live Minimum Maximum DVD
- modified the answer of 'What recordings have Kraftwerk made?' - added the Minimum Maximum DVD
- added a new question and answer: 'What is the so-called 'Notebook'?'
- renamed the question 'Where can I get Kraftwerk bootlegs and live recordings?', the new question is: 'Where can I get Kraftwerk bootlegs?'
- added a new question and answer: 'Where can I get Kraftwerk live recordings?'
- modified the answer of 'What Kraftwerk videos have been made available to buy?' - added the new Minimum Maximum DVD
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- corrected the answer of 'What sort of equipment is used by Kraftwerk?' - added some more information to the equipment used on the album Electric Cafe (thanks to Dave)
+ Updated the section 'Sources of further information'
- slightly modified the answer of 'Are there any books about Kraftwerk?' - mention of the book can be found in the Minimum Maximum Notebook edition
v.13.91, 4th October 2005
+ Updated the section 'Sources of further information'
- changed the question 'Are there any useful mailing lists and forums?' and it was high time to add some links...
+ Update the Links page.
v.13.9, 14th June 2005
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- slightly modified the answer of 'When will Kraftwerk release new material?'
- renamed the question 'What is the recent Kraftwerk album?', the new question is: 'What are the recent Kraftwerk releases?' - added the new live album Minimum Maximum
- modified the answer of 'What recordings have Kraftwerk made?' (added the album Minimum Maximum)
v.13.8, 24th April 2005
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'When will Kraftwerk release new material?'
+ Updated the section 'Sources of further information'
- modified the answer of 'Are there any books about Kraftwerk?' (added some links of the publishers, the pictures of the re-issued 'Kraftwerk: Ich war ein Roboter', the French and Japanese edition of 'I Was a Robot')
v.13.7, 4th April 2005
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- modified the answer of 'Does the German-language version of the album Trans Europe Express have an extra track?' (there is no need to guess why it is called 'Abzug', thanks to everyone for the e-mails about this matter)
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- added (corrected) two instruments, Texas Instruments Language Translator (was Speak & Spell) and Mattel Bee Gees mini keyboard, used in 1981 (thanks to Mischa)
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- modified the answer of 'When will Kraftwerk next go on tour?'
+ Updated the section 'Sources of further information'
- deleted the question 'Is there an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel for Kraftwerk?' because it is not significant anymore.
v.13.6, 27th December 2004
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- added a new question: 'What can we know about the private life of Kraftwerk's members?'
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- slightly modified the answer of 'What is the 'The Catalogue' / 'Der Katalog'?'
- corrected and updated the answer of 'What Kraftwerk videos have been made available to buy?'
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- corrected the answer of 'Have Kraftwerk ever staged a whole concert replaced by robots or dummies?'
+ Updated the section 'Sources of further information'
- modified the answer of 'Are there any books about Kraftwerk?' (added the pictures of 'Kraftwerk: Man, Machine and Music' (UK second edition, thanks to tWINgo for the scans) and 'Kraftwerk: I Was a Robot' (UK second edition))
v.13.5, 18th October 2004
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- modified the question and the answer of 'Who is Emil Schult and is he still collaborating with Kraftwerk?' (thanks to Andréas Hagström and MzDe)
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- added 2 question: 'Is the album Tone Float made by Kraftwerk?' and 'Is the song Popcorn made by Kraftwerk?'
- modified the answer of 'What recordings have Kraftwerk made?'
- corrected and updated the answer of 'What Kraftwerk videos have been made available to buy?' (thanks to Andréas Hagström)
- renamed / corrected the question 'Which is the last Kraftwerk album?', the new question is 'What is the most recent Kraftwerk album?' (thanks to Kevin)
+ Updated the section 'Equipment' (thanks to Andréas Hagström)
- added 2 questions: 'When did Kraftwerk start to use projected images at their concerts?' and 'Have Kraftwerk ever staged a whole concert replaced by robots or dummies?'
- some of the names were corrected (thanks to Denis Germain)
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- added 1 questions: 'Who created the design and the video of Electric Cafe?'
- slightly modified the answer of 'Has Kraftwerk's music ever been used in movies?'
Thanks to MzDe for the correction.
v.13.0, 23rd August 2004
+ Updated the section 'Members of Kraftwerk'
- added 2 new questions:
'What is the present line-up of Kraftwerk?' and
'Who else was a member of Kraftwerk in the past?'
- slightly modified the answer of 'Who's who on the album covers?'
and 'Why did Flür and Bartos leave Kraftwerk? What are they doing now?'
+ Updated the section 'Recordings'
- added 3 new questions:
'Which is the last Kraftwerk album?',
'What is the 'The Catalogue / Der Katalog'?' and
'Where can I get Kraftwerk bootlegs and live recordings?'
- renamed the question and revised the answer of 'When will Kraftwerk release new material? I heard there was a new album coming out.'
- modified the answer of 'Does the German-language version of the album Trans Europe Express have an extra track?' (thanks to Carsten)
+ Updated the section 'Lyrics and Languages'
- added 5 new questions:
'What are the lyrics of Kraftwerk tracks?',
'Which languages are used in addition to German and English?',
'Which languages are used in Kraftwerk concerts?',
'What is the intro text of Kraftwerk concerts?' and
'What is the lyrics of Kometenmelodie live intro and where is it from?'
+ Updated the section 'Equipment'
- added a new instrument, Dubreq Stylophone, used in 1981 (thanks to Ronald Rutherford, Seattle)
+ Updated the section 'Miscellaneous'
- simplified the answer of 'Did Kraftwerk perform any new songs at Tribal Gathering?'
- added 2 new questions:
'How many concerts have Kraftwerk performed?' and
'Did Kraftwerk perform any songs live which have not been released officially?' (thanks to Zsolt Farkas)
- modified the answer of 'Are scores available?' (thanks to MzDe)
+ Updated the section 'Sources of further information'
- slightly modified the answer of 'Is there a Usenet newsgroup for Kraftwerk?' (added 1 link) (thanks to MzDe)
Thanks to MzDe for the correction.
v.12.0, 12th July 2004
Under the same version-number, the FAQ list was moved.
The main URL remained the same (
Updates before 12th July 2004 »